Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Talk Nautical To Me

Does a Landscape Designer have any business commenting on fashion??  Well, probably not consindering I wear jeans to work every day, BUT I do have to say I LOVE, love, LOVE a good stripe, especially as I am a water baby, and played around working at a marina and sailing in college, a good prepster stripe gets me every time.

Oh J. Crew-how I love thee

Images from here and here

And Boden USA-nice work

Images from here and here

Banana Republic-even you don't disappoint
Image from here

Looks like stripes are big for spring-count me in!  Will you be joining me?


Monday, January 24, 2011

Down and out

But unfortunatley not in Beverly Hills...Anyone else remember that??

Wow, this has been quite the winter for me.  Shortly into the new year I got the flu (over my birthday no less).  Not just a cold with a stuffy head, but the real deal-big, bad influenza.  Although the virus looks colorful and fun in this image below it was anything but-three days of over a 100 fever and not keeping food down, almost being admitted to the ER for dehydration and aches and pains like I've never had.

Image from here

So PLEASE get a flu shot!!  If you're needle averse get the nasal mist, but please do not mess around with this year's virus, it is nasty!

I was off work on bed rest for nine days-ick and am now just getting back into the swing of things.

I know I've missed a lot, like the new year, my birthday-celebration still to be planned, lots of great blog posts-I have good intentions on catching up and even make some changes and announcements around here, so please stick with me!

And please let me know if you're reading, even if you just say hi, I love to see who's checking me out!  And it leads me other talented bloggers!

Health and hugs,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011-Rock on!

Welcome 2011!!  Sorry I'm delayed in wishing everyone a Happy New Year, as I'm sure you know, the holiday's can sweep you up!

I'm off to finish up a boulder wall job with 15 pallets of these beauties!!

On this site-YIKES it's steep!

Please check back later this week, I'll have more photos up!
